目前分類:啜 Gossip (2)

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(人家要坐要站要簽名要看窗外要聽ipod 全部都要報 到底是要做個:「周美青上下班通勤大全集」還是新聞報導啊??)
想來讓無論是不是未來的第一夫人 都會難以忍受吧

rtal 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's fairly easy to sense your 'forgotten on purpose'
You have no need to do that other than expressing dislike
I had tried numerous time to take your attitude for granted
To think that you did that without meaning, just something you overlooked
as such a sensitive, smart and kind young man
tried very hard to dismiss your ill-manner while I was expressing friendliness to you
As to open a communication, as to say hello, and as to help...balabala....

rtal 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()